Trailways Camp is based on tried and true best practices for providing overnight camping experiences– where every day is a “fun day.” We have designed this inclusive experience to encourage wholesome fun, foster new friendships, and offer parents and caregivers much needed rest, relaxation and down time. Drop off your loved one and leave the rest to the Camp’s experienced professionals and highly trained volunteers to provide every aspect of the sleep away camp experience.
We are your neighbors who are interested in making a difference in the world one life at a time, one smile at a time.
Our sons, Robert and Ben were born with a rare disease and severe disabilities. They showed us a void in the world of activities for adults with such challenges. We want to fill the void with good ol’ camping fun in a safe nurturing environment. From sing-alongs, arts & crafts, fishing, horses, campfires to talent shows and much more, we bring campers to nature while creating a special community experience.
Join us, volunteer with us, support us.
Sharon and Jerry Miller
See & Hear the Journey of Trailways Camp
Our Measurable Impact
The first ten years: Every Camper, Caregiver, Staff and Volunteer is asked to complete a Trailways Camp Satisfaction Survey when they leave camp or at the close of a session. The lives of about 800 camper participants have been touched by 125 staff and over 1,000 volunteers who have shared their time, talent, and heart.
Robert and Ben had a very special relationship with their Grandpa Miller and Uncle Tom who were incredible supporters of the camping program. Mr. Miller, Tom and Fran Miller, & Kathy and Terry Paramore have been donors and supporters of Trailways Camp since it was established in late 2005 in memory of Robert V. Miller.
Grandpa and Uncle Tom are greatly missed, but their love, faith, inspiration and generosity will continue to inspire.
Future Legacy
The Founders, Sharon and Jerry Miller, have established Trailways Camps, Inc. as a 501(c)3 non profit organization to plan for the future of Trailways Camps. As part of this planning the Trailways Board of Directors includes their son Lewis Miller, as well as community and national leaders empowered to secure the Trailways legacy and sustain the growth of the organization so that many more will be able to enjoy the fun at Trailways Camp.