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Trailways Flyer – A Decade Celebration: 2024-2025

By December 21, 2024No Comments


“Courage to Care”

It is with grateful hearts we celebrate Trailways Camps 10th anniversary of providing overnight camping experiences adults with special needs in SW Florida. We want to personally thank you for encouraging the Trailways Team, for supporting campers through the gifts and talents you share as volunteers, and for your financial gifts that help meet the costs of providing overnight camps.

The Fall Season launch included 40 campers, 80 plus volunteers and 10 staff.  Joy abounded everywhere!  January and February camps are near and we have several more exciting events planned for 2025.

A Look Ahead to 2025                                                                                      

January 7th Trailways Camps New Office Ribbon Cutting and Open House–Please join us January 7th from 11-1 to celebrate the opening of our new office, meet our staff and network with the community at the ribbon cutting ceremony with the Sanibel Chamber of Commerce. 1177 Causeway Road, Sanibel.

March 1-April 4th The Trailways Artistic Abilities Auction –We are beaming with pride to auction on line and in person at the Sanibel Community House original works of art by our campers. Trailways gives our campers the opportunity to sell their art work to Trailways Camps to be auctioned off to provide the funds for more campers to experience the joy of Trailways Camps. On line auction opportunities will be available through this website after January 2. Or, view pieces in person at the Sanibel Community House beginning March 1.

March 24th The First Annual Trailways Golf Tournament and Online Auction–Join us for a day of FUN and FUNDraising at Shell Point Golf Club! Mark your calendars, secure your golfing buddies, and brush up on your swing to help us provide another ten years of amazing camp memories. Golf registration and the online auction will go live January 2nd and listed sponsorships and golf spots are available.  If you have a passion for providing overnight camps for adults with special needs and golfing then reach out to us directly about sponsorships today or check it on this website beginning January 2nd.

April 5th The Trailways “I Am Special” Camper Reunion & Birth Day Party- Decade Celebration of Trailways Camps ten years in Southwest Florida we are going back to where it all began. The Sanibel Community Church! Online registration will open on January 11, 2025. The celebration is open to all campers, donors, volunteers and their families. To sponsor a table please reach out directly to us or a team member, or check out our giving page here.

So many blessings to be thankful for in this most special of all seasons,

We wish you Happy Trails,

Sharon & Jerry Miller, Founders

Guess Who Is Coming to the “I AM SPECIAL”?

Thank you Grampy’s Charities for your continued encouragement and support for Trailways Campers. Jim and Jonatha Castle are supporters of families and those providing caregiving support for adults with special needs. Visit to read more about this amazing team leading an amazing

Did you know that we have a You Tube Channel? If you subscribe you will always be able to be aware of any new video’s from the Camps or “I AM SPECIAL” events. Just go to You Tube, the handle is @trailwayscamps

EVENT & CAMP HAPPENINGS–Sharing our gifts and talents

Are you ready for our horse experiences?

Thank you Chapel by the Sea for providing a grant to renew and upgrade  horse experiences for all campers who come while maintaining care standards for the animals who serve us. New safety helmets in several sizes for those who are without medical restrictions to mount a horse and have a led horse experience.   A new Mounting Block. For those who are not able to sit atop a horse, we have Mini Horse Entertainment through Naples Therapeutic Riding Center, and pony hand painting experiences. We are so grateful for this very special donation that will benefits all Trailways Campers.

Benjamin G. Miller “Joyful Spirit Award”

A tradition that is part of each Trailways Camp Session is the Awards Assembly at which campers themselves are recognized for the gifts they bring, the achievements reached, and the most remarkable character reflections visible during the gathering. This tradition is carried forward to the Annual “I AM SPECIAL” Camper Reunion & Birth Day event. There are four Founders Awards—one of which has been The Birth Day Closest to that of Benjamin Miller. Upon thoughtful and spiritual reflection we made the decision to release this award, and to establish a new award going forward.

Benjamin lived each day as a joyful spirit. Disappointments or frustrations on a day never carried forward to another day. He loved His Lord and loved each person created by Him. Loving others, serving others, participating in relationships with others were at the core of who he was. This new award recognizes these exceptional characteristics in a participating camper. The new award was presented by the Founders to Julie Lyle on October 15, to Janee Combee on October 21, and Glen Stilley on November 18. Thank you to each one for the opportunity to celebrate you! We now have an Academy of “Joyful Spirits”